Sunday, December 30, 2007

Twit & Camwhore : siiaopanda

She wants a piiggy kiiss

That's because...
She's one!

Enter her blog
and get flooded with stupid alerts proclaiming "thiis's my attiitude" and "LOVEs who ii am" and so on.

I'll take back my words on qonqzu on her being p6 and not knowing how to spell.
This one's worse.

xiiao meii meii
carzy SENENteen"

Well, I wouldn't exactly call a "senenteen" (which I assume is seventeen) a xiao mei mei (little girl / little sister)

it would be disgusting. an almost grown up, acting like a kid. unless she's retarded (no offence to those mentally disabled people).
but from what I can see, her eyes are always looking up.
so she can't type well.


See my fat lips? (eyes looking up)

My red nails! (eyes looking up)

duck lips! eyes looking up!

wow. ain't herleft arm tired from holding the camera in the same way with the same pose but different lips expression?

she's "jus a giirls".
How can so many girls fit into one?

and of course, her wishlist is very long, and she wishes for Converse cloth.
Seriously, how do you get cloth from Converse? Ohhhh I know.
Cut out from the tees!

And she has so many affairs.
adelen AIIAII
dolce MIILKSHAKE<3s>miine oneday.
andd ii don noes why ii wiill liike hiim.
ii'm stiil waiitiin the day to come.
wo shii zhen derhh aii nii derhh.
but than.
what ii cann do iishh stiil waiit."



^whoring at night.

^Whoring in a bus.

^ im actually really shitting!

^My left arm's sooo long.

^Another proof that it's long!

Talk about creativity. lulz.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

We're (not) Hiring (anymore)!

Do you want to be a part?
As there's only one person on the team right now, I figured out I might need some help, considering that school's starting.

Email your application to

With these information:
Preferred Name
Why you think you should be a part of the team.

I will judge on how articulate you are.

You should have a blogger account, and please give me your blogger email so i can add you.


Twit for audition gf?

Go register now to be her audi boyfriend!

- if interested pm mee (goreng?)
- if uu haf a gf and wan t0 break wif her pm meee. (sounds like a slut)
- if uu n0e wh0 is -x3FF-wanqzi 0r Xiia0Roxy PM MEEEEE ( VERY VERY IMPORTANT )
- if uu are -x3FF-wanqzi 0r Xiia0Roxy fren plsss delete him fr0m uur buddy list. TQTQ
ANYWAY MY IGN IS: -x3FF-qonqzu ( PM MEEE )

The english is terrible. Look at the last two point (ignoring the twit-tish), what does she means?

uu will nvr n0e h0w sad am ii. SADDED!!!! sobbs. HE CHEATED ME!!!! WE ARE NOT GOING TO MARRIED!!!! OMG. She.HATE.Her.KNS.WanqqZii <------ myy fav sentence. LOLS. SIANZZZZZ. HATE HIM FOREVER. at least danceboy wun lik tat =X

she's going to be primary SIX next year and she gives "not going to married".

lets see who's the Qonqzu.
myy name iish koh siew ching a.k.a q0nqzu, this name r0cks uu n0e. (no, i dunnch kn0ex)
eqq cracks open at 19 FEB 1996 =X, PRESENTS currently sk0oliinqq in c0nc0rd primary sk0ol. (what's PRESENTS currently sk0oliingqq? the presents are going to school? omg)
LOTS AND LOTS OF chii0 bu but laqq 0f shuaii ge XP my cca iish LALALALALALING. (scaring the hell outta people?)
very obviously dat iish CH0IR. unless uu are blind nnd uu cant read the w0rds. (that is SO obvious. i can't even understand what she's writing. and we're gonna be blinded by all these.)

wow. wasn't this scary. a (young) girl like this, saying kns and all those twittish.
it kinda worries me that the newer sg generation's going to twitterland.
(lol i sound so old)

and what a coincidence! she just changed her blogskin and her information. haha

iie kn0wex thhish ishh sh0 sh0rtte but dunchh w0rriiexx, iie wiill be addiingg m0re shtuff.

(omg i just killed 15 brain cells)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Attention Freaks : The Definition

Common names :

Attention Whore; Camwhore; Emo; Drama Queens

General Traits of the Attention Freak :

High pitch, OVER girlish giggles that makes your hair stands.

Pink from head to toe.

Twitting, extra 'i's like "iie lubb euu sh0 muchh, whhye w0nnt euu c0me backk?"
It makes people screw their brains up trying to understand and I just killed my brain cell typing that out.

Telling outrageous, usually untruthful stories about things which they claim happened to them.

Cam whoring. (duhh)

Claiming to be bisexual. (la0g0ngg, la0p0 with the same gender)

Posting poetry which alludes to their "dark and mysterious" past.

Saying "im fat" liek when IRL they ain't.

Posting song lyrics meant to describe their "no one understands me!" emotional states.

Cutting or occasionally half-heartedly attempting suicide.

Shameless self promotion.

Wearing very little or very slutty clothing IRL. (ultra mini skirts revealing cellulose and v-neck top revealing nothing)

Taking hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of their face at various angles and degrees of lighting and posting them on the blog, and having the captions as: "am iie cuutte?", "iim uglyy, g0 awaeex"

Asking people to comment on their blog or "new" pictures, only to tell them to "fuck off" moments later, and then begging them to "please come back", over and over again.

Claiming not to be an attention whore, even when evidence is presented.

What to do if u see one on the Internet, or *gulp* Real Life?

On the Internet, you can :

1. Comment here and tell us the URL so we can feature him/her
2. Spread the damn link with the name, "Typical Attention Whore"
3. Spam their tagboards etc, then relish in the fun of them saying "iie kn0e wh0 euu rrex." when they DON'T
4. Ask them to translate their "twittish" to "english".

In real life, you can :

1. Snap photos of them without them knowing
2. Point behind them and when they look, RUN as far as possible.
3. When coming within range of 3metres, start screaming.
OR stutter OR widen your eyes in fear OR start choking, coughing, sneezing

Alright, that's all for this post on

Attention Freaks : The Definition

Twit : tanyiimiingq ( :

Went into her blog. and got greeted by a heart with a plaster on it.

Alrighty, let's look at her profile!

tanyiimiingq ( :
fiirst t0apay0h sec
22.12.94 ( : (see the age? so young and they're twitting already. what will happen to the future of singapore?!)

* HERl0ves
AWESOMEsevenn x33
HIM.!but he dun.. (how pathetic)

* HERwans
m0re cr0wns
new ph0ne >.<>(._.)"

-the end-

alright, this ain't a very serious case of twit because it's still OKAY to read it.

an interesting blog post.

andd NONE iis GOOD de ) :
29.o7.07 iit all endedd le !
wadeva we been thr0ugh over le..
but sk sae iif ii change ii askk sure can be together agaiin de.!

(it's all crap in the middle, and i don't wanna ruin your eyes reading all the twittish.)

haiis. sae ii always fliirtt tell liies all tat SHIT ! (that ''sk'' is a great person, definitely NOT blind)
haiis.. ii was liike cryiingq liike siia0 iin front of the c0mp lahh )': (dear girl, he can't see u crying in front of the comp, and i agree, you are siiaO to cry in front of the comp)
den wad ii sae sk oso sae " YA LAH SAE WADEVA EU WAN LAH ! " (of cos lah, we have our own freedom of speech.)
haiis.. den he oso sae ii always g0t alot of story andd reas0n. sae m0re siimple he dun believe mi lahh haiis.. ii really criiedd liike hell lahh ) : (how do u cry like hell?)
den offline le. calledd rachel chat chat.den sk msg mi sae he n0t gu yii offliine de iis c0mp g0t pr0blemm. den later he msg mi agaiin my ph0ne no m0ney but ii wanna reply hiim so ii calledd hiim l0r !
wa..!! ii thiink wanna call or n0t f0r very l0ng lahh >< (huh? translated : i thought for a long time whether to call him or not)
den decided too call..
ii t0ldd hiim iif he cant standd my attitude he can jus sae de l0r.!
at tat tiime ii was cryiing lahh ! (what a crybaby.)
sae fiiniish den hang up le l0r.
heardd frm ppl sae he breakk wiit mi c0s he cant standd my attitude andd he wan mi change.
ii was thiinkiingq..
iif he really l0ve mi,he sh0uldd l0ve mi f0r hu ii am n0t l0ve mi after ii change my attitude.!haiis.. (what a weak excuse. pfft. he couldn't stand ur attitude. THAT'S why.)

sadd man )':
* l0ts of new cuts on my handd ( :
hehe !

err... first she goes "sadd man )':" and then "* l0ts of new cuts on my handd ( : hehe !"
her mood swings really are rocketspeed in changing.
and cuts or scratches?
across or along the hand?
which PART of the hand?

seriously, GETALIFE.

and if you guys out there wanna see the rest of her blog.
here's the link :

but beware. don't ruin ur eyes.

p.s i know this aint very interesting but it's still my first post and "tanyiimiingq" didn't post any pictures so i can't play around with them. BUT.
i tagged on her tagboard this : "HEY, YOUR POST ON "2.8.07" WAS FEATURED IN THE "Anti ETs" blog! Go take a look if you can!"

wonder what would she think. :]

she deleted her whole blog. not changed URL.

how fast.


So who are we?
actually there's no "we" at the moment, it's only one person on the team right now.
What do 'we' do?
I diss things I don't like, concentrating on :
Camwhores, twits, emos, cutters etc.

okay, seriously, i have no idea what to say but...

A few words...

TO ALL ETs, the ALIENS, that try to act cute like the one is the blockbuster movie E.T,
you can spam the tagboard, I personally don't mind, it's just my afternoon entertainment show, that's all.
Any amount of "farkkx euux laRhhsX" or some unknown stuff like that won't work on us.
So. Come on and scold us!

TO ALL READERS, thankyou for coming, and I pledge it's many laughs a post, so help spread the laughter by spreading the blog link!

Sarcasm is just another service I offer.