Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The new girl

Yes! I'm part of the team.

So introduction? Haha. Like Joanni, "I don't want any unsavory people finding me" so information abt me is limited.

I'm Destiny, going 16 this Apr=)

I like blogging and I do have a personal blog. And friends, if you happened to be reading this blog, harsh harsh abt my identity.

Here's my update!

Shu Zhen! My pretty, pretty Shu Zhen!

Arent she pretty? =)

Wait~ Do not judge so fast yet. This little 16 year old girl(well, older then me as she was born on 1991 26 SEP) is yes yes.. T-W-I-T Her friendster profile:

Dont bother clicking if you're not her friend, she put her acc on private. But, if you are interested to add, her email add:

Her profile!

About me:
SHUZHEN*age*--- 16*birthdae*--- 26th of sept**
m0ii swit switt sis famiLY...
(she meant sweet sweet family?)

HATES`ppL c0ntr0lliN mii..haTes pR0misE bReaKeRs... [[HabiN tuu cHaNge m0iiselfF feRr suM stupidd ppL, tiNggs, eveNtts & cRaPp datt r ntt w0rtH cHaNgiN ferR]]..

curreNtlY... w0rkin at sakaE susHi tuu pasS m0ii wh0le h0lii while waitiN ferr resuLts
(Waiting for results? O'lvls? If she's really an Express student, I CANT BELIEVE IT!)

-h0pe tuu get gud resultts
-mitt upp widd freNs s0on
-buy l0ts & l0ts ob tinggs usinn m0ii payy
-datt big big derhhs p0oh by euuxD
(Good results? With this Eng standard, hard man.
Big pooh? LOL.)

Yucks! K people. Sorry for soring your eyes. If you think you're are those faint-hearted types. Do not scroll down! I repeat: DO NOT SCROLL DOWN ANY FURTHER!


Ok. You scrolled. SEE? She looked like this. Ohmy.

I'm not making fun but its...... I dont even know until I viewed her friendster pictures!

Wanna see more?

Who I Want to Meet:
feeL fRee tuu add mii 0n fReNsteR oR msn at


Still interested to know her? =)

P/S I can view her friendster profile because I add her recently with my own acc! Totally shocked!

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