She wants a piiggy kiiss
That's because...
She's one!
Enter her blog
and get flooded with stupid alerts proclaiming "thiis's my attiitude" and "LOVEs who ii am" and so on.
I'll take back my words on qonqzu on her being p6 and not knowing how to spell.
This one's worse.
xiiao meii meii
carzy SENENteen"
Well, I wouldn't exactly call a "senenteen" (which I assume is seventeen) a xiao mei mei (little girl / little sister)
it would be disgusting. an almost grown up, acting like a kid. unless she's retarded (no offence to those mentally disabled people).
but from what I can see, her eyes are always looking up.
so she can't type well.

See my fat lips? (eyes looking up)

My red nails! (eyes looking up)

duck lips! eyes looking up!
wow. ain't herleft arm tired from holding the camera in the same way with the same pose but different lips expression?
she's "jus a giirls".
How can so many girls fit into one?
and of course, her wishlist is very long, and she wishes for Converse cloth.
Seriously, how do you get cloth from Converse? Ohhhh I know.
Cut out from the tees!
And she has so many affairs.
adelen AIIAII
dolce MIILKSHAKE<3s>miine oneday.
andd ii don noes why ii wiill liike hiim.
ii'm stiil waiitiin the day to come.
wo shii zhen derhh aii nii derhh.
but than.
what ii cann do iishh stiil waiit."

^whoring at night.

^Whoring in a bus.

^ im actually really shitting!

^My left arm's sooo long.

^Another proof that it's long!
Talk about creativity. lulz.