So introduction? Haha. Like Joanni, "I don't want any unsavory people finding me" so information abt me is limited.
I'm Destiny, going 16 this Apr=)
I like blogging and I do have a personal blog. And friends, if you happened to be reading this blog, harsh harsh abt my identity.
Here's my update!
Shu Zhen! My pretty, pretty Shu Zhen!
Arent she pretty? =)
Wait~ Do not judge so fast yet. This little 16 year old girl(well, older then me as she was born on 1991 26 SEP) is yes yes.. T-W-I-T Her friendster profile:
Dont bother clicking if you're not her friend, she put her acc on private. But, if you are interested to add, her email add:
Her profile!
SHUZHEN*age*--- 16*birthdae*--- 26th of sept**
m0ii swit switt sis famiLY...
(she meant sweet sweet family?)
HATES`ppL c0ntr0lliN mii..haTes pR0misE bReaKeRs... [[HabiN tuu cHaNge m0iiselfF feRr suM stupidd ppL, tiNggs, eveNtts & cRaPp datt r ntt w0rtH cHaNgiN ferR]]..
curreNtlY... w0rkin at sakaE susHi tuu pasS m0ii wh0le h0lii while waitiN ferr resuLts
(Waiting for results? O'lvls? If she's really an Express student, I CANT BELIEVE IT!)
-h0pe tuu get gud resultts
-mitt upp widd freNs s0on
-buy l0ts & l0ts ob tinggs usinn m0ii payy
-datt big big derhhs p0oh by euuxD
Yucks! K people. Sorry for soring your eyes. If you think you're are those faint-hearted types. Do not scroll down! I repeat: DO NOT SCROLL DOWN ANY FURTHER!
Ok. You scrolled. SEE? She looked like this. Ohmy.
I'm not making fun but its...... I dont even know until I viewed her friendster pictures!
Wanna see more?

feeL fRee tuu add mii 0n fReNsteR oR msn at
Still interested to know her? =)
P/S I can view her friendster profile because I add her recently with my own acc! Totally shocked!